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Scar Therapy

What are Scar Therapies?

The human body produces scars internally and externally as part of the healing process. Scars can cause discomfort and disease on many levels. Scar therapies promote healing of injured tissues and restore balance to the rest of the body.

What Can Scar Therapy Do For Me?

On the surface, scar therapy can reduce the size of scars and improve their appearance. Scar therapies relieve pain and numbness. They improve muscle function and movement. They can restore health to the underlying tissues including the blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic tissue. Scar therapies heal internally as well as externally.

How Do Scar Therapies Work?

Scar therapies work in a number of ways depending upon the type of scar, location, effects and several other factors. Your scar therapy provider will determine a plan of treatment based upon your unique needs.

In addition to external visible scars, internal scars can result from disease, surgery, or inflammation. Scars may be present within your body without you knowing it. Conversely some external scars may be very prominent, yet cause minimal disruptions to your wellbeing.

In addition to the limited sensation and mobility commonly found in scar tissue, scars at times can cause a disruption in the energy patterns within the body. When they do, they can cause seemingly unrelated health issues to occur. Health issues can even result from scars which developed decades ago.

What Kinds of Scar Therapies Are Available?

Several healing modalities may be needed to promote healing from scars. Options include topical preparations applied to soften skin and heal scar tissue. Bee venom, low-level laser therapy (LLLT), and neural therapies are sometimes utilized. Specialized manual techniques such as lymphatic drainage, myofascial release, and other specialized massage techniques are frequently employed as well.

What Else Do I Need to Know About Scar Therapy?

Scar therapies relieve stagnation of the damaged area and surrounding tissues. Adhesions are released. The affected area and the entire body may begin to function better when scar therapies are employed.

To find out more about Scar Therapies and if this treatment is right for you, please contact and consult with a local licensed physician who specializes in this therapy.

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